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Why Are You Smiling?

Randy Alcorn | Dr. Stephen Phinney | Dr. Josef Tson



Phinney: I am always moved by stories of committed persecuted Saints. A few years ago, I was introduced to a Romanian teacher who suffered at the hands of the Romanian government. His faith was sustained under fire. Due to the constant sufferings of he and his family, he moved to the United States and became a citizen. Through the years, he developed a ministry that focused on the believer's identity in Christ. He now services droves of Romanians through his American based outreach. Today, he is not only a close personal friend, but is one of my heroes of faith.

Dr. Josef Tson is one of those pure examples of how persecution builds a better servant of Christ. The life and message of Dr. Tson demonstrates how to conquer fear. During the dictatorship of President Ceausescu in Romania, Dr. Tson wrote a paper on the principles of Godā€™s way of life and gave the president a copy. Dr. Tson was immediately arrested and threatened with death if he did not rescind what he had written. His reply was a calm loving smile. The police demanded, ā€œWhy are you smiling?ā€ He then revealed the secrets that overcame his fear and won the admiration of his captors. Dr. Tson is now over 80 years old, and although ā€œretired,ā€ he continues his ministry of writing, preaching, and evangelism. He was a visionary who preached the downfall of Communism in his country and was exiled by the Communist government for taking a stand in the defense of Christians abused by the regime. For years he spoke on the radio, known as ā€œthe pastor from Radio Free Europe.ā€

Dr. Tson is a hero of faith. We want to share a bit more about his life.


Alcorn: Richard Wurmbrandā€™s Tortured for Christ influenced me profoundly as a young Christian. In Romania, guards tied prisoners to crosses and smeared them with human excrement. From our perspective, the perpetrators might have seemed beyond redemption; yet some of the guards who did these unspeakable acts saw the inexplicable love, devotion, and faith of the Christians they tortured.

Wurmbrand wrote, ā€œI have seen Christians in Communist prisons with fifty pounds of chains on their feet, tortured with red-hot iron pokers, in whose throats spoonfuls of salt had been forced, being kept afterward from water, starving, whipped, suffering from coldā€”and praying with fervor for the Communists.ā€

Josef Tson, once the best-known pastor in Romania, was one such suffering saint. At a time when the Christian faith had become virtually illegal, he openly preached the gospel. Police threatened him repeatedly with imprisonment and arrest. In his sixties he studied at Oxford for his doctorate, writing a dissertation that became a book titled Suffering, Martyrdom, and Rewards in Heaven.

I opened the Scriptures with Josef in 1988, with a group of theologians discussing eternal rewards. Twenty years later, writing my book If God Is Good, I remembered his stories and insights and called him again, in order to share his insights with others. Josef explained to me how the belief that God doesnā€™t want His people to suffer once corrupted the Romanian church. In the interests of self-preservation, he said, they failed to speak out against injustice, tyranny, and the idolatry of turning men into gods. He recalls joining the crowd on the streets and crying, ā€œGlory to Stalin.ā€

God convicted Josef. As a pastor he refused to glorify communist leaders and started to speak out boldly for Christ. Interrogators threatened him with death every day for six months. Finally he told them, ā€œYour supreme weapon is killing. My supreme weapon is dying. My preaching will speak ten times louder after you kill me.ā€

Josef said, ā€œDuring the time I was expecting to be crushed by the Romanian secret police interrogators, God became more real to me than ever before or after in my life. It is difficult to put into words the experience I had with God at that time. It was like a rapture into a sweet and total communion with the Beloved. Godā€™s test for me then became the pathway to a special knowledge of the reality of God.ā€

Finally, in 1981, the Romanian government exiled him.

After facing much evil and nearly being martyred in Ceauşescuā€™s Romania, Josef told me, ā€œThis world, with all its evil, is Godā€™s deliberately chosen environment for people to grow in their characters. The character and trustworthiness we form here, we take with us there, to Heaven. Romans and 1 Peter 3:19 make clear that suffering is a grace from God. It is a grace given us now to prepare us for living forever.ā€

He also told me he believed that 95 percent of Christians pass the test of adverĀ­sity, while 95 percent fail the test of prosperity.

In the West, with our conspicuous prosperity and ease, Christianityā€™s popularity continues to shrink. In Africa, Asia, and South America, with much greater adversity and suffering, it continues to grow.

Josef Tson believes, ā€œThe gospel will never be spread without someone suffering.ā€ He said our first question in suffering should not be, ā€œWhy?ā€ but, ā€œGod, what do you want to do in the world through my suffering?ā€

Josef continues, ā€œGod achieves great things in the world through the one who accepts His way of suffering and self-sacrifice. In the end, however, it turns out that the greatest things are achieved in the sufferer himself. The one who sacrificially expects to be a blessing for others discovers that, in the final analysis, he is the one who has harvested the greatest blessings.ā€

Suffering can help us know God and prepare us to trade a shallow life not worth keeping for a deeper life weā€™ll never lose.

When interrogators worked Josef into exhaustion for ten hours a day, one of his persecutors made a strange statement: ā€œPastor Tson, when I interrogate people I am used to feeling their hatred for me. But you do not hate me. It has become a delight for me to be with you.ā€

Jesus saw our suffering as an opportunity to bring the gospel: ā€œThey will lay their hands on you and persecute you, delivering you up to the synagogues and prisons, and you will be brought before kings and governors for my nameā€™s sake. This will be your opportunity to bear witnessā€ (Luke 21:12ā€“13, ESV).

Josef viewed his suffering as Godā€™s means to accomplish Godā€™s purpose. He told of guards coming to Christ while beating Christian prisoners, then confessing their faith and being imprisoned and tortured themselves. As a result, the gospel his persecutors tried to dismiss touched them instead.


Watch Dr. Tson explain the Believer's Union with Christ in Dangerous Times.


"Tortured for Christ" - After years of imprisonment and solitary confinement, enduring inhumane torture, Richard Wurmbrand emerges with a powerful testimony of courageous faith. Even today, believers are suffering and dying for Christ, yet their faith will not falter under the most unthinkable persecutions.

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Jun 25, 2022

Josef Tson is truly a spiritual giant. I had the opportunity to teach and preach in his church in Oradea Romania in the early nineties. I heard many stories of his bravery and his testimony from some of the members from his church. I was told by one the pastors that I was preaching on the same platform where he was physically beaten and dragged out of the church during a church service. As you can imagine, I felt unworthy to stand in the same pulpit. The church is still in existence, but they have built a new building and have one of the most effective Bible Colleges in Romania.

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Yes. He truly is an amazing Saint. We need more men and women with the courage our Lord gave him. Today, most will do anything they can to avoid the persecutions of our enemies. I have many heroes of faith on my list, and he is one of them. Bless you for commenting. -Dr. Phinney

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