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"Stephen's writings come from a gift like Paul, who witnessed Christ to the world during Christianity’s formative years. He is a student of God’s Word.  He presents Biblical Truth with clarity and passion sculpted from personal trials and the blessings born through those trials."

-Gale Ethridge


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Esta oscuridad preeminente

En una Ʃpoca en la que el cristianismo es cualquier cosa que usted haga que sea, el Dr. Phinney devuelve al lector a las doctrinas bƔsicas de la Palabra de Dios.


Con su convincente investigaciĆ³n de Cristo, Cultura y Creador, ofrece un anĆ”lisis teolĆ³gicamente sĆ³lido de cada movimiento actualizado que se levanta contra la Santa Palabra de Dios.


PrĆ³ximamente el DĆ­a de AcciĆ³n de Gracias.

Watch The End Times Trailer Video HERE


"Dr. Stephen Phinney's writings clearly articulates the Life of Christ within the indwelt believer, and it keeps that focus on all his writings - while challenging them through Scriptures to consider a different perspective on living out the Life of Christ within."

-Loida Leone


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"Opa, I Have Some Questions" is a children's book series on the End Times. We start with the basics, as in "Meeting Jesus - Volume One." By the end of the 7-book series, children will understand the primary doctrines of our Lord's prophecies. (Click HERE to read book one.)


"With my dad’s writings, you never have to fear lukewarm teachings, and you will receive a bold message of your inadequacy apart from Christ.  No matter the subject, he clearly states that co-crucifixion is the pathway to freedom from living in bondage to our crucified old man."

-Jessi Phinney


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Join the movement! Begin listening to the End Times Series podcast for children and adults alike. We have produced 129 episodes to date. These stories expose the listener to a balanced doctrinal view of the End Times - from salvation to the final day of humanity and beyond. HEREā€‹

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The Principled Patriarch

The Principled Patriarch is a 30-Lesson Study Guide designed to lead men back to a Biblical tradition of manhood. Our women, children, communities, and nation need a few good men – husbands, fathers, and leaders who are willing to lead according to the divine Word of Truth. We are in the middle of a cultural battle that wages war against the male and female genders – boys being emasculated and our girls being made masculine. Whatever happened to the patriarchs of our day? Why are the women asserting more male dominance than our males? Why do men default to women in leading their families, homes, and communities? These are just some of the questions that get answered in The Principled Patriarch.


Available Today

Read the CC Press Article HERE

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What Fellow Authors Say

"We live in a troubling, but also exciting age. As the future unfolds, it’s clear that Christians must be informed and actively working and praying for believers everywhere to realize their strong identity in Christ, for that will be a crucial element in times of persecution. As Dr. Phinney says in This Preeminent Darkness: 30+ Cultural Movements Rising Against Christianity, “Passivity is the greatest enemy of the gospel!”    


-Nick Harrison | Word Serve Literary

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NEHEMIAH | The Man & The Legend

Christ-as-Life leadership & following is a fading modality in our culture today. Nehemiah was called by God to rebuild the walls that were to protect Jerusalem. However, today, God's people work to tear down the walls that are to protect authentic Christianity and His Church. One thing is certain - when Israel is left to defend herself, the authentic Body of Christ will be as well. This book covers methods of leadership.


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The End Times | The Brewing Storm

THE END TIMES | THE BREWING STORM: With trusted Biblical insight, this book will provide grace-filled hope and confidence that readers need to set their affections on the warnings provided by God Himself. Without question, the day Christ will gather His Bride is approaching. With a well-balanced Biblical view, this book will review twenty chapters detailing the primary themes of the End Times.

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This Preeminent Darkness | 30 Cultural Movements

My devotion to studying the Lord’s prophecies, particularly when it comes to culture, is anchored in my love for releasing the Life of Christ from within. As a teacher, I believe it is imperative that the view of culture must be through the mind of Christ that lives within all born-again believers. Jesus cares deeply about the culture we live! In the pages of this book, you will discover some of the top trending cultural movements. 


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Covenant Marriage & Family

"Covenant Marriage & Family" is based on the organic orthodox Biblical view of the institution of Marriage - aligning it with the doctrines of the Church's marriage to Jesus Christ. This publication reviews marriage, family, divorce, and the Scriptural view of the original doctrines of the marriage between Adam and Eve.

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El libro de oraciones | Orando oraciones del pacto

Si no alineamos nuestro pensamiento con el mensaje del Nuevo Pacto, nuestras peticiones de oraciĆ³n tomarĆ”n el camino de la oraciĆ³n egoĆ­sta. El pensamiento del Nuevo Pacto tiene que ver con el cumplimiento en lugar de pedir cosas; es mĆ”s como reclamar lo que ya es verdad sobre nosotros y la asignaciĆ³n de nuestras circunstancias diarias. Sin esta modalidad de pensamiento, el enemigo cambiarĆ” nuestro enfoque de aceptar la soberanĆ­a existente a rogarle a Dios que cambie Su soberanĆ­a para igualar nuestro pĆ”nico y temores. Nota. No cambiarĆ” Su plan eterno para satisfacer las necesidades de la humanidad. Sin embargo, dado que Ɖl sabe cuĆ”les son tus necesidades antes de que ores, cumplirĆ” todas las solicitudes que coincidan con Su cuidado predestinado para ti.

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Servant Leadership

Our church society is in complete opposition to the principles Nehemiah lived by. Today we need wise, Godly leaders like Nehemiah to stand in the gap of a depraved culture. The God-sized news? It’s possible. In this book, I will walk you through the life lessons I gained by studying this man’s life. I hope you learn the powerful leadership principles lived out by Nehemiah and his counterparts. Servant Leadership will assist in this journey.

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El padre | CaĆ­da de los millennials

El Padre, La CaĆ­da de la GeneraciĆ³n del Milenio: La cultura de nuestra iglesia ha ido al revĆ©s. En una Ć©poca en la que el cristianismo es cualquier cosa que usted haga que sea, el Dr. Phinney devuelve al lector a las doctrinas bĆ”sicas de la Trinidad: Dios el Padre, Dios el Hijo y Dios el EspĆ­ritu Santo. Con su convincente investigaciĆ³n de Cristo, Cultura y Creador, ofrece un anĆ”lisis teolĆ³gicamente sĆ³lido de las Generaciones Millennial y Z.

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La identidad importa | Avanzando la vida interior

La identidad importa: hacer avanzar la vida en el interior | Workbook & Conference Guide es un curso de 13 semanas diseƱado para una combinaciĆ³n de guĆ­a de estudio individual, en grupos pequeƱos y en conferencias. Es un curso en el descubrimiento personal de la IDENTIDAD de un creyente en la co-muerte, sepultura, resurrecciĆ³n y ascensiĆ³n compartidas de, y en, Cristo JesĆŗs - la Vida Intercambiada. Ā”Este libro de trabajo contiene mĆ”s de 80 diagramas para ayudar a comunicar las Verdades liberadoras de quiĆ©n es el creyente en Cristo! Recientemente revisado y actualizado para mejorar mejor su estudio. Inicie sesiĆ³n en: para escuchar los audios que acompaƱan a cada lecciĆ³n sin cargo.

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Permissible Suffocation

I firmly believe that afflictions sometimes come from God to purify us and that this, in no way, indicates that God is unloving. It is only His way of leading us back to a dependent “talk and walk” relationship with Himself - like a father would discipline a child. Even though I know that suffering instructs us in righteousness and prevents us from sinning, it doesn’t make the journey easier It puts us in the position of determining... 

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Hombres y guerra | GuĆ­a de estudio y del lĆ­der

El hombre cristiano estĆ” comprometido en una batalla espiritual incluso si no cree que lo estĆ”. SatanĆ”s y sus fuerzas espirituales estĆ”n en la lĆ­nea de batalla esperĆ”ndote todos los dĆ­as. Un hombre no tiene elecciĆ³n en cuanto a su compromiso en esta batalla, le espera cada dĆ­a y no hay forma de evitarlo. Si eres salvo y has recibido a Jesucristo como tu SeƱor y Salvador, Ā”estĆ”s dentro! EstĆ© alerta y sobrio, porque su enemigo, SatanĆ”s deambula por la tierra en busca de quien pueda devorar. Este estudio es para equipar a cada hombre con las herramientas espirituales necesarias para la guerra contra el mundo, su carne y el mismo diablo.

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El arte de la guerra espiritual

Este libro revela los secretos espirituales de una vida libre. Como espada, la Palabra tiene el poder de penetrar la vida de todo ser que la oye, y eso incluye al enemigo. EstĆ” destinado a realizar una cirugĆ­a correctiva en el alma, el espĆ­ritu, los pensamientos, las actitudes y el cuerpo de todos los que lo escuchan. Este es el secreto de su poder contra el enemigo. Al usarla, la Palabra puede penetrar, limpiar y cambiar la vida de aquellos que la abrazan como Verdad. No hay nada mĆ”s poderoso y ciertamente no hay sustituto para la aplicaciĆ³n persistente, constante y consistente de atacar al enemigo.

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Victory In His Indwelling

You are a victor in Christ Jesus! Don't ever forget this. The enemy will do all he can to have you consider this to be just another study. God has done mighty work in your heart and life. You are blameless in Christ and should embrace this Truth with great joy. Give God all the glory, majesty, dominion over your life, and authority to rule you daily. When you know the Truth, the Truth will set you free. 

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Finanzas y el fin de los tiempos

Dios dice que la lluvia cae sobre justos e injustos. Para nuestro beneficio de lectura, podrĆ­amos decir fĆ”cilmente que "el dinero recae sobre los justos y los injustos". No puedo decirles cuĆ”ntas veces he escuchado a un creyente preguntar: "ĀæPor quĆ© Dios permite que los impĆ­os prosperen mientras que los cristianos sufren de poco?" La respuesta se encuentra en este libro. Obtenga mĆ”s informaciĆ³n sobre las 46 verdades bĆ­blicas principales con respecto al dinero, los Ćŗltimos tiempos y la identidad del creyente en Cristo.

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The Principled Patriarch

The Principled Patriarch is a 30-Lesson Study Guide designed to lead men back to a Biblical tradition of manhood. Our women, children, communities and nation need a few good men – husbands, fathers and leaders who are willing to lead according to the divine Word of Truth. We are in the middle of a cultural battle that wages war against the male and female genders...

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The Book of Revelation | Final Battle

The Book Of Revelation - The Final Battle is an extensive Biblical study on the New Testament book of Revelation. This book contains over 400 pages of research, Biblical study & history on past, present and future events that affect the Body of Christ. This edition is a "pre-final" edit version, which means the author wanted to provide a publication for your review. 

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The Indwelling Spiritual Gifts

Understanding and knowing what God says about Spiritual Gifts is the starting place of our journey. Even though man has many opinions about the topic, God has plenty to say about His gifts to us – after all, He is the giver of these gifts. It is my hope and prayer that this study blesses you. I spent 12 years researching and studying the Scriptures through pictorial Hebrew, Modern Hebrew, and Greek texts.

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