I am the Founder and Ministry Host of the Institute Of Ministry (IOM America), Identity Matters Worldview Institute, and the IM Online Worldview School. My primary objective is to equip individuals through the believer's identity in Christ - all based on the message of identification with Christ in His death, burial, resurrection, and ascension. My passion is to deliver this message to a worldwide audience by making use of the internet, live presentations, writing, podcasting & through the effective use of media. -Dr. Stephen Phinney
Hard Copy Books

HOT OF THE PRESS! The Christian man is engaged in a spiritual battle even if he does not believe that he is. Satan and his spiritual forces are on the battle line waiting for you each day. A man does not have a choice as to his engagement in this battle, it awaits him each day and there is no way getting around it. If you are saved and have received Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you are in! Be alert and sober, for your enemy, Satan, roams around on the earth to seek whom he can devour.
Identity Matters - Advancing Life Within | Workbook & Conference Guide is a 13-part series/course designed for a combination of individual, small group & online conference study guide. It is a study in the personal discovery of a believer’s IDENTITY in the shared co-death, burial, resurrection & ascension of, and in, Christ Jesus – the Exchanged Life. This workbook contains 80+ diagrams to help communicate the freeing Truths of who the believer is in Christ! Newly revised and updated to enhance your study.
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Nehemiah rallied his troops. He knew how important his team’s morale was in the rebuilding process. He not only got started with his goal in mind, but now, well into the journey, he continues to work to keep his team focused on that goal. This book ignited a passion for knowing the man and the legend of Nehemiah. The mission is to lead you through God’s leadership principles, following and rebuilding found in Nehemiah. You should learn to be motivated in the Spirit, overcome discouragement, and face failure and opposition. Review Book Website HERE | REVIEW/ORDER HERE
With trusted Biblical insight, this book will provide grace-filled hope and confidence that readers need to set their affections on the warnings provided by God Himself. Without question, the day Christ will gather His Bride is approaching. With a well-balanced Biblical view, this book will review twenty chapters detailing the primary themes of the End Times.
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Understanding and knowing what God says about Spiritual Gifts is the starting place of our journey. Even though man has many opinions about the topic, God has plenty to say about His gifts to us – after all, He is the giver of these gifts. It is my hope and prayer that this study blesses you. I spent 12 years researching and studying the Scriptures through pictorial Hebrew, Modern Hebrew, and Greek texts.
My devotion to studying the Lord’s prophecies, particularly when it comes to culture, is anchored in my love for releasing the Life of Christ from within. In the pages of this book, you will discover some of the top trending cultural movements that rise against the mind of Jesus. Scripture reveals our Lord’s thinking regarding each movement. It is my mission to unfold the doctrines of Christ as these movements rise against Christianity.
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The Father, The Downfall of Christianity (The Millennial Generation): Our church culture has gone up-side-wrong. In an age where Christianity is anything you make it to be, Dr. Phinney brings the reader back to the basic doctrines of the Trinity - God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. With his compelling research of Christ, Culture & Creator, he delivers a theologically sound analysis of both the Millennial & Z Generations.
This book unfolds the spiritual secrets to a free life. As a sword, the Word has the power to penetrate the life of every being that hears it, and that includes the enemy. It is meant to do corrective surgery within the soul, spirit, thoughts, attitudes, and body of all who hear it. This is the secret of its power against the enemy. As you use it, the Word can penetrate, cleanse, and change the lives of those that embrace it as Truth. There is nothing more powerful and there is certainly no substitute for persistent, steady, consistent application of coming against the enemy. REVIEW/ORDER HERE | Review Online Course HERE
This 500-pg. book is more of a commentary than a book. Presently, it is in the final edit. With seven years of meticulous research and a heart for the indwelling life of Yeshua, this book offers readers a compelling exploration of the wrath and majesty of the Lion of Judah. Join us on this transformative journey and discover the eternal significance of the Book of Revelation in today’s world. Don’t miss out on this essential addition to your spiritual library. Scheduled to be released December 2, 2024.
REVIEW/ORDER Coming Soon | Review the Documentary HERE
We are in the middle of a cultural battle that wages war against the male and female genders – boys being emasculated and our girls being made masculine. Whatever happen to the patriarchs of our day? Why are the women asserting more male dominance than our males? Why do men default to women in leading their families, homes and communities? These are just some of the questions that get answered in The Principled Patriarch.
The Christian man is engaged in a spiritual battle even if he does not believe that he is. Satan and his spiritual forces are on the battle line waiting for you each day. A man does not have a choice as to his engagement in this battle, it awaits him each day and there is no way getting around it. If you are saved and have received Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you are in! Be alert and sober, for your enemy, Satan, roams around on the earth to seek whom he can devour.
The Book of Prayers, Learning To Pray Covenant Prayers. If we don’t align our thinking with the New Covenant message, our prayer requests will take the pathway of selfish praying. New Covenant thinking is all about fulfillment versus asking for things – it is more like claiming what is already true about us and the allotment of our daily circumstances. Without this modality of thinking, the enemy will shift our focus from accepting existing sovereignty to begging for God to change His sovereignty to match our panic and fears.
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God says the rain falls on the just and the unjust. For our reading benefit, we could easily say the “money falls on the just and the unjust.” I cannot tell you how many times I have heard a believer ask, “Why is it that God allows the ungodly to prosper while Christians suffer with little?” The answer is found in this book. Learn more about the 46 primary Biblical Truths regarding money, the end times, and the believer's identity in Christ.
"IM Truth" is more than just a magazine; it's a platform for truth-seekers, critical thinkers, and Biblical knowledge enthusiasts. We believe in the power of God’s truth to enlighten minds, foster dialogue, and inspire change. Our commitment is to deliver content that is not only informative but also reliable, accurate, and prophetically timely - focused on the believer's identity in Jesus Christ. REVIEW/ORDER HERE
Words can mean different things at different times. Authors, teachers, and translators bring them into existence to express thoughts by a group of people who share them at a point in time with a meaning that reflects their origin, use, and timeframe. Take, for instance, the word “truth.” Originally, that word meant "the Life of Christ," as in "a person." However, over time, it has come to mean words written or spoken accurately. Within this book, I will offer accurate Biblical definitions of the words and Biblical phrases that address the indwelling Life of Jesus Christ. REVIEW/ORDER HERE
You are a victor in Christ Jesus! Don't ever forget this. The enemy will do all he can to have you consider this to be just another study. God has done mighty work in your heart and life. You are blameless in Christ and should embrace this Truth with great joy. Give God all the glory, majesty, dominion over your life, and authority to rule you daily. When you know the Truth, the Truth will set you free. The eBook, "Victory Through His Indwelling," will offer the practical truths of His majestic indwelling.
I firmly believe that afflictions sometimes come from God to purify us and that this, in no way, indicates that God is unloving. It is only His way of leading us back to a dependent “talk and walk” relationship with Himself - like a father would discipline a child. Even though I know that suffering instructs us in righteousness and prevents us from sinning, it doesn’t make the journey easier. It puts us in the position of determining if we will question God’s sovereignty or accuse Him of hurting His children.
Our church society is in complete opposition to the principles Nehemiah lived by. Today we need wise, Godly leaders like Nehemiah to stand in the gap of a depraved culture. The God-sized news? It’s possible. In this book, I will walk you through the life lessons I gained by studying this man’s life. I hope you learn the powerful leadership principles lived out by Nehemiah and his counterparts. Servant Leadership will assist in this journey.
"Covenant Marriage & Family" is based on the organic orthodox Biblical view of the institution of Marriage - aligning it with the doctrines of the Church's marriage to Jesus Christ. This publication reviews marriage, family, divorce, and the Scriptural view of the original doctrines of the marriage between Adam and Eve.