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Reshaping The Believer's Identity In Christ.



El término "vida intercambiada" fue acuñado por Hudson Taylor. Usó este término para definir el mensaje de "No yo, sino Cristo" o Cristo dentro de ti. Miles de autores y maestros en todo el mundo usan esta etiqueta para promover el mensaje de ayudar a los miembros del cuerpo de Cristo a experimentar, madurar y comunicar eficazmente el mensaje de identificación con Cristo en Su muerte, sepultura, resurrección y ascensión. ¡Ofrecemos nuestras principales recomendaciones dentro de la Librería IOM Intercambiados Vida!


In The Book of Signs, Dr. David Jeremiah offers answers to these questions and many more. Drawing from decades of study, Dr. Jeremiah explains every key sign of the approaching apocalypse and what it means for you.  The result is a truly epic and authoritative guide to biblical prophecy—a must-have resource for Christians seeking to navigate the uncertainties of the present and embrace God’s promises for the future. Order Today

Nehemiah | The Study

The mission is to lead you through God’s leadership principles, following and rebuilding found in Nehemiah.

Stephen Phinney IOM America.png
Nehemiah Man Legend.png

The End Times

THE BREWING STORM: With trusted Biblical insight, this book will provide grace-filled hope and confidence.

Stephen Phinney 8_edited.jpg
End Times Brewing 3D.png
eBooks Lineup.png

im e-bookstore

Get an instant copy of each of the eBooks written by Dr. James Fowler and Dr. Stephen R. Phinney. This store is also host to the Inphinnity Art Gallery. Visit us today. >>> 


La OIM América solo recibe participación en las ganancias de los libros

Publicado por nuestro editor

God In The Gray.png
God In Gray
Frank Friedmann
Magnificent Prayer.png
Nick Harrison
A Life of Recovery Harrison.jpg
Life Recovery
Nick Harrison
Ten Questions.png
Ten Questions
Dr. David Jeremiah
Great Commission.png
Great Commission
Valy Vanduva
Where Do We Go.png
Where Do We Go
Dr. David Jeremiah

"Like Paul, who witnessed Christ to the world during Christianity’s formative years, IOM America is a gifted ministry and a student of God’s Word.  They present Biblical Truth with clarity and passion sculpted from personal trials and the blessings born through those trials.” -Ethridge

It’s as though you pinned it from the table of God, writing & proclaiming what you're talking about!  Thank You for this!

-Rev. Daniel D. Nawara 

Preeminent Darkness

Discover the 30 top cultural movements that rise against Christianity AND the Biblical solutions to each. 

Phinney Holding Preeminent.png
This Preeminent Darkness Book
Book of the Signs.png

The Great Disappearance

In Dr. Jeremiah’s latest prophecy book, The Great Disappearance: 31 Ways to be Rapture Ready, he examines the next event on God’s prophetic timetable, the Rapture.

David Jeremiah IOM America.png
Great Disapearance.png

Captured by Grace

Is there anything you can do that is so bad you can’t be forgiven? Can any of your thoughts or actions put you beyond the reach of God’s Love?

David Jeremiah IOM America.png
Captured by Grace.gif
Warfare of The Spirit.png
Guerra del espíritu
AW Tozer

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Bone of His Bones - E. F. Hugal.jpg
Bon de sus huesos
EJ Huegel

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#1 A New Handbook Cover.jpg
HB a la felicidad
Dr. Charles Solomon

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Blessed Assurance - Dr. John
Bendice la tranquilidad
John Woodward

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The Mystery Of Godliness - Major Ian Tho
Misterio Piedad
Ian Thomas

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Abiding in Christ.png
Permanecer en Cristo
Andrew Murray

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Indwelling Spirit - Andrew Murray.png
Espíritu residente
Andrew Murray

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Living the Christ Life - Rebecca English
Viviendo la vida de Cristo
Rebecca Inglés

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Changed Into His Likeness - Watchman Nee
Su semejanza
Watchman Nee

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Conformed To His Image - Oswald Chambers
Conforme a ...
Cámaras de Oswald

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Spirit Rising.png
Espíritu en ascenso
Jim Cymbala

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Masters Indwelling - Andrew Murray.png
Maestros residentes
Andrew Murray

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Not I But Christ - Stephen F. Olford.jpg
No yo sino cristo
Stephen Olford

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Understanding Grace - Lee C. Turner.jpg
Lee C. Turner

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Messenger of The Cross.png
Cruz de mensajero
Watchman Nee

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Living in Power.png
Viviendo en el poder
Dr. Charles Stanley

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God Write Story.png
Dios escribe historia
Nancy DeMoss Wol ..

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Finding Peace In Life's Storms - Charles
Encontrar la paz
Charles Spurgeon

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Discipling The Desperate - Dr. Charles R
Discipling Despar.
Dr. Charles Solomon

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God's Best Secrets.png
Los mejores secretos de Dios
Andrew Murray

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The Life That Wins.png
Vida que gana
Charles Trumbull

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Finding God's Blessings.png
Encontrar bendiciones
Dr. Charles Stanley

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Spirit Soul Body.png
Espíritu Alma Cuerpo
Andrew Wmmack

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Conquering PTSD - Dr. Charles R. Solomon
Trastorno de estrés postraumático
Charles Solomon

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#1 Close To his majesty.jpg
Su Majestad
David Needham

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My Utmost for His Highest.png
Mi máximo
Cámaras de Oswald

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Victory In Christ.png
Victoria en Cristo
Charles Trumbull

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Relying on Holy Spirit.png
Confiando en el espíritu
Dr. Charles Stanley

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Spirit Filled Life.png
Vida llena de espíritu
Dr. Charles Stanley

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Christ Is All - Watchman Nee.jpg
Cristo es todo
Watchman Nee

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Rejection Syndrome - Dr. Charles R. Solo
Síndrome de rechazo
Dr. Charles Solomon

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His Victorious Indwelling.png
Residencia victoriosa
Nick Harrison

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Adrew Murray

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Completing The Reformation.png
Completando Refor ...
Charles Solomon

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#1 Normal Christian Life.jpg
Cristiano normal ...
Watchman Nee

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Christ Sum Spiritual Things.png
Cristo suma de todos
Watchman Nee

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Grace Book Cover - Johnson (2016_03_25 2
Grace Orphans No ..
James Johnson

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Ins and Out of Rejection.png
Rechazo de adentro hacia afuera
Charles Solomon

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Live Praying Life.png
Vida de oración
Jennifer Dean

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Exchange Your Life for His.png
Intercambia tu vida
Phil Jones

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Let us Rise Up.png
Vamos a levantarnos
Charles Solomon

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#1 The Gospel Uncut.jpg
Evangelio sin cortar
Jeremy White

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Spiritual Authority.png
Autoridad espiritual
Watchman Nee

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Finances And End Times 2018 (3).png
Financia los tiempos
Stephen Phinney

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Life of Christ.png
Vida de cristo
Ian Thomas

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Vida en el altar
Jennifer Kennedy Dean
Secrets Jesus Shared.png
Secretos Jesús Shar ...
Jennifer Dean
Man as A Spirit.png
El hombre como espíritu
John Woodward
Through Whom Shall He.png
A través de Quien ...
Charles Solomon
Release of The Spirit.png
Liberación de espíritu
Watchman Nee

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#1 Spiritual Man.jpg
Hombre espiritual
Watchman Nee

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Revival Now (2016_06_17 17_55_15 UTC).jp
Avivamiento ahora
Charles Solomon

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#1 The New Life.jpg
La nueva vida
Reginald Wallis

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Jennifer Kennedy Dean
Suicide Illicit Lover.png
Amante del suicidio
John Stevens
For Me To Live.jpg
Para que yo viva
Charles Solomon
Discipling For Revival.png
Disciplinar para ...
Charles Solomon
Rest of The Gospel.png
Resto del Evangelio
Dan Stone y ...

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Father - Downfall of Millennials.png
Padre fiel
Stephen Phinney

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Men and Warfare - Phinney
Hombres y guerra
Stephen Phinney

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New Testament Living.png
NT Living
Normon Harrison

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Green Letters - Miles J. Stanford.png
Las letras verdes
Miles Stanford

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God's Best Kept Secret.png
El secreto mejor guardado
Mark Maulding

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Identity Matters Workbook - Phinney
Libro de trabajo de mensajería instantánea
Stephen Phinney

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Art of Spiritual Warfare - Phinney
Arte Guerra espiritual
Stephen Phinney

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Book of Covenant Prayerrs.png
Libro de Oraciones
Stephen Phinney

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His Salvation.png
Su Salvación
Norman Harrison

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Stunned by Grace.png
Aturdido por Grace
Frank Friedmann
Berisheet End Times Prophecy (IOM).png
Profecía de Berisheet
CJ Lovik
Living In Jesus - Christian Family Today
Viviendo en Jesús
Familias cristianas
Shakled LeFebre (2015_06_24 15_24_26 UTC
Grilletes / Gracia
Lee LeFebre
His Indwelling Presence.png
Su morada
Norman Harrison
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