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IOM Individual & Estate Planned Giving
IOM America es una organización sin fines de lucro deducible de impuestos. Cada uno de nuestros ministerios de extensión, y los presupuestos que los sustentan, son atendidos por generosos donantes, como usted. Sin las contribuciones de los lectores / espectadores, no podrÃamos hacer lo que hacemos. Aunque dependemos de Jesucristo, entendemos que Él mantiene Su obra a través de los dadores del Cuerpo de Cristo y a través de él.
Si el Señor lo lleva a ayudarnos en nuestras necesidades presupuestarias, serÃa un honor para nosotros recibir su (s) regalo (s). Proporcionamos los siguientes enlaces para aquellos que de hecho son dirigidos. ¡Gracias!

Millions of ministries & churches of all sizes use Stripe online and in person to accept donations, send subscription payouts, automate non-profit financial processes, and ultimately grow revenue.IOM America has complete trust in this service. It is safe & reliable.
Venues For Monthly Giving
This fund supports the missionary salary of Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Phinney
This fund supports the missionary salary of the Executive Assistant, Jessi Phinney
This fund supports the operational cost of IOM America.
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Phinney Support >>
Jessi Phinney Support >>
This fund supports the missionary salaries of IOM America's volunteers worldwide.
IOM General Fund Support >>
This year we celebrate twenty-three years of IOM America. For those of you who are new to our ministry, IOM stands for Institute of Ministry. We began our humble beginnings in Phoenix, AZ. Our mission? Provide a quality Christ-as-Life discipleship ministry for the Body of Christ. We began with 15 online followers. Today, we reach over a million inboxes annually. God has blessed our outreach. 2024 Annual Report is available today.
Annual 2022 Report HERE | Annual 2023 Report HERE | Annual 2024 Report HERE
IOM International Missions Support >>
Our ministry was started under the name of "Release Ministries" back in 1986. We changed the name to IOM America in 2001 under the direction of a friend of Dr. Phinney, who was the Director of the US Department of Labor. His thinking was to support the founder's passion to rebuild America or reestablish a faith-centered governance of the United States. Since those early years, IOM America has focused on the believer's identity in Christ, while advancing faith in Christ within our political advisors and leaders. Out of this change, our subtitle, Christ, Culture & Creator was born. Organically, 2024 marks our thirty-eighth anniversary.
Give when you can. Grant when it’s needed.
A DONOR-ADVISED FUND, or DAF, is a giving account established at a public charity. It allows donors to make a charitable contribution, receive an immediate tax deduction, and then recommend grants from the fund over time.  Donors can contribute to the fund as frequently as they like and then recommend grants to their favorite charitable organizations whenever it makes sense for them.
DAFs have become popular partly because of their versatility, allowing donors to give when, what, how, and where is most favorable for them. There are many reasons donors choose a donor-advised fund as a philanthropic giving vehicle. Charitable giving with a donor-advised fund can be tax-efficient to build a charitable legacy.
Review the details at National Philanthropic Trust. If you decide to establish a Donor-Advised Fund, please contact Dr. Stephen Phinney, who will connect you to the IOM America NPT agent. Thank you.
Our meeting in the camp was very successful. We finished yesterday. We had small group meetings, and finally, we gave out IOM certificates for the young and old, who will be further trained and equipped to evangelize and equip others in discipleship classes. -Mombasa, Kenya | Read more IM Stories
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