June 2024
Laurie: Special prayer request: our daughter Julia and her boyfriend friend Ábel have a flight out of Israel on July 2nd. Reading the latest news for Amir Tsarfati, June 26th shows to be a deadline given by IDF to Hezbollah to withdraw their forces from southern Lebanon (Litani River) or else war is imminent. Please pray for God's protection as they travel. Pray for the nation of Israel.
Maggie: Pray for my granddaughter Sandra to find a church family. She lives in Clarksville, TN
Ditkarule: Please pray for the elites running the country directly and from the shadows to turn away from wickedness and towards God’s purpose.
Corporate: Please pray for the families of the Nigerian Christians who lost their lives recently via a firing squad. Also, pray for our President's mental health as he is showing signs of decline.
Senator Marshall: I published an op-ed in The Epoch Times demanding Dr. Fauci to answer numerous unsolved Covid-19 questions.
Stephen: I am releasing a short film and essay this Saturday on Child Sex Trafficking. Please pray for droves of people to read/view this critical review of a global crisis. It contains a Family Safety Guide to assist in the protection of our children.
Missy: I would appreciate prayers for: My health, to keep felling forward with my walk In Christ, Wisdom and discernment. My aunt Carolee s health and her rehabilitation in nursing home. (where my momma is). My children and grandchildren salvation. Also, Omega program and my own finances. Thank you and bless you In Jesus' name.
Sarah: Many Christians lamented the United Methodist Church's (UMC) decision to embrace LGBT ideology at their 2024 UMC General Conference last month. In effect, the church went from declaring homosexuality as "incompatible with Christian teaching," a belief held since the 1970s, to claiming it is suddenly compatible. But as experts have pointed out, the UMC had been debating the topic for several years. And while the decision was reportedly disheartening, it would seem the backlash it has garnered has inspired orthodox Christians.
Donna: Pray for healing from my back injury that occurred while packing house for move. Pray for God to protect my husband as he also has many spinal problems and is burdened with all the details of moving. May the Lord work this all out as we are in quite a fix and May HE be glorified.
Rachel: Our daughter's ex has taken her to court to try to get full custody of the girls and try to prove she's an unfit mom due to the jealousy in his own mind.
Valintine: Pray for my nephew David who is currently in a Drug rehab center about a month ago . Pray he will get well, when he completes the program
Nancy: Pray for safe travels to Michigan next Friday.
Tina: Pray for Raven. She is in labor. Has been almost 24 hours.
Tom: Pray for our Christian sister in Christ. Carolyn might have cancer. Thanks
Sharon: My sister, Janine, is visiting me for about a week from Vegas. She arrives this evening. I would love prayer for our visit--that she would be blessed by her stay. That the Lord would nurture her through me and that we'd enjoy sweet fellowship. That the Lord would poor forth His life and truth through me and she would leave desiring Him and walking with Him all the more. Thank you!
Laurie: Our Lord to be blessed by this mama's grateful heart. As I go over the lasts months since our daughter Brittany's passing from this earth, I am overwhelmed at the number of times the Lord has showed Himself. Reassuring this mama that she is safe in His arms, and that through the ripple effect of His movement people are being ministered to. ..this is expanding as time goes on. From intimate detailed connections.. our all knowing God is BIG.. SO BIG! Thank you Lord!
Carl: PRAY FOR Annette, Katherine, Kelsey, Andy, Titus and I, our family is in deep grief and mourning, very wounded and hurt.
Judy: PRAY FOR- the right decision about some squamous cell on my face. I'm reluctant about surgery and not sure of other options yet. Have another appointment next week to investigate other areas on my body. Also Bill is having more and more issues with mobility and pain. Pray for direction for him. Thank you for all your prayers.
Ken: For the six stitches in my eye to hurry up and dissolve, it's driving me crazy.
May 2024
Judy: Please put my daughter Brenda in prayers. She has been sick since April 13. Can't seem to shake fever or ear and sinus infection. On more rounds of antibiotics.
Maggie: Our friend, John, had surgery for a brain tumor and they didn't get it all. Praying that it's not malignant.
Rachel: For John heal from shingles on roof of his mouth, jib interview in morning (8:30AM), Amber (DIL) job, Elora & Tatum's salvation. TY.
Laurie: Please pray for my mom, Adina. She is in immense pain. Her spine has many compression fractures . Even though she was diagnosed with osteoporosis for years she has always kept strong. This terrible condition was brought very quickly is only going to get worse.
Missy: Pray for my finances and employment. Thank you.
Valentine: Pray that David will return to drug rehabilitation. He went and quit before he was rehabilitated ❗️He is allowed to return to rehab on May 15, 2024.
Jeff: I just had a double hernia surgery and Tyson is slowing recovering from a brown recluse bite that turned into a bad infection/neurotoxin situation requiring a wound specialist caring for him every other day for 4 weeks.
Kimberly: I ask for prayer for right thinking for our brothers and sisters in Christ. I'm also hearing of so many dealing with infections of the sinuses, ears, chest, throat that are very, very stubborn. Illnesses resistant to antibiotics. I ask for prayer for healing for each of these dear ones. And for spiritual protection for the saints. I had an encounter with--well. It was scary. And bizarre. So I ask for protection, and for others of the faith of Jesus as well.
Rachel: The Lord is sanctifying me in the area of my work. Pray that I trust Him and not fear man, to be intentional on focusing on Him thru my entire workday.
Bobby: My desires. I have a newfound desire to please our God Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
James: My town, Pleasant Hill IA & my street were hit by a tornado Friday evening. Many homes were damaged by the high wind and fallen trees. We are very thankful our home was not in its direct path.
John: Pray for my son and his pregnant wife (Matthew and Victoria) that all would be safe. The baby is due the date my kids mother passed last year, August 7th. And pray that my fiancé Kathy and I would find a cheap wedding venue that works.
Mike: Pray for protection and power to go out this evening and face a number of challenges. Please pray for supernatural trust in the Lord that he will deliver me, once again as he always does. Amen
Micah: We could definitely use prayer for our youth-group kids, and that God be present in their lives and hearts. Shawnee's a lot busier than Sterling, so it's hard to connect with 'em sometimes. Jordan and I would like to be more intentional about trying for kiddos too, so prayer is appreciated for that.
Judy: Pray for my son to find it in himself to leave the "nest". It's beyond time and don't know what else to do. Thank you.
Ken: Donna's mouth as it heals from oral surgery to remove the last of her teeth. We can find a solution for me for a bed. Have been sleeping in my recliner for eight months. Have tried four new beds with no luck.
March 2024
Pastor Ken: Healing for my mother-in-law, Lois Butler, who fractured two vertebrae in her neck.
Ken: I am struggling right now with understanding what God has called me to do. I feel like Jacob who wrestled with God and wouldn't let go till he had blessed him. Stand by me in prayer that I would not let go of God till I have a break through.
Hans: A friend's brother (Michael) is on his death bed. Would you pray that God brings his sister Debbie and the rest of Michael's family obvious/evident comfort and care making all very aware of our loving Lord and savior and thereby call those that do not know Him unto life everlasting in Him.
Valentine: After David (A drug addict) was released from prison, he voluntarily checked himself into a Drug Addiction Clinic. Pray that he will live a life free from drug addiction and he will soon be a born-again Christian in Christ.
Kimberly: I ask for prayer for Israel and against the huge rise of antisemitism that we are experiencing. I pray for the peace of Israel.
Stephanie: "Father, we pray for truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished. 19 Therefore whoever relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever does them and teaches them will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. For I tell you, unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven."
Wendy: I pray for the right man to be elected (I know who that is…) I do continue to simply cover my county in prayer in the meantime. I agree, most politicians get swayed by power and they do indeed, need Christ and His Papa…
Beth: Those of us who fear and believe God know. Praying for a space of grace. It may be that it’s only the righteous who are holding back judgment from this nation that loves to shed innocent blood, and shows hatred towards Him with unrestrained sexual perversion, and all manner of wickedness.
February 2024
Mike: Being able to walk better.
Laurie: Prayer for our daughter Jordan. I'm spending a few days with her. May she sense the Lord in the quietness of our days.
Mark: Pray for supernatural favor to Suzy n me.
Nancy: Please pray for the salvation of Kent Divley. He's my sister's friend and I've been witnessing to him. I believe he's close to making that decision. Thank you!
James: Healing for my daughters Annabelle and Sabrina. They have an upper respiratory infection.
Laurie: On Wednesday, dear friends of ours, a young couple, lost their baby boy at 35 and a half weeks, so close to his due date. Prayers for their family is appreciated.
PPT: Pray with us for God's hand to be over the candidates, the election preparations, and for God's people as we begin voting.
Tom: For my children to develop a closer relationship with Jesus.
Mark: Being a judge, I am faced with difficult decisions within our woke culture. Please pray for discernment for me and the judges I am responsible for. Also, pray for the writing project, Identity Politics, that Dr. Phinney and I are writing. Our country needs a truth revival.
Vic: Safe travels for my wife, Cindy, as she travels to Wilmington, North Carolina.
Kelliann: The subject of suicide has crossed my mind lately. Not personally, but as the suicide rates climbed here in Australia.
Ginny: Wisdom with regard to living out the transformation Jesus brought.
Warren: Please pray for our ministry, Ministry Watch. We provide research content for IOM America and many other churches and ministries.
Valentine: My nephew David is in prison. He is a drug addict, and he lives with me. He’ll be going to court at about 9:30 am on February 21st to see if he stays in or comes home. Let's pray he’ll come to the end of himself and accept Christ as life.
Ken: Salvation in Christ for 2 of our family members.
Jim: Excellent message on suicide. Many need to hear this message. That is a very well-produced video, Stephen. Thanks to you and your ministry, we can pray for those who suffer temptations of suicide.
Matt: On the edge of losing it. Dr. messed up my testosterone shot. My T bottomed out. Zero focus.
Carl: Survival, recovery, comfort, and faithfulness during this time of grief and mourning our granddaughter.
Tiff: That is at the forefront of my mind and praying an overflow of His fruit through me each and every day...in His power, not my own.
Mary S.: Please, please pray. My brother was recently diagnosed with Stage 4 lung cancer. 72 and a Godly man with a wife and 6 children. 1st chemo treatment about took his life. Praying for a miracle healing if it would be God's will. He has unsaved children, so most of all pray that God will be glorified, and hearts would be changed. Update 2-15-24: This is Mary S. My brother Steve is safe in the arms of Jesus.
Shirley: Urgent update: Friends decided to put Amanda on a ventilator to let her rest. Please pray as they do this procedure right now. Thank you so much. Where else will we turn but to God in prayer? Thank you so much for your continued support. We feel your prayers.
Laurie: The message of God’s Hope continues with each passing day, that in salvation, He promises His indwelling presence. That is my prayer about her (Brittney) passing. Thank you all for praying for our family.
Warren: Pray for the family of Joel Belz, founder of World Magazine. He passed to be with the Lord on February 4th.
S.A: Please pray for Toby Keith's family who has gone on to meet his Maker. The Oklahoma-born singer passed away Monday night last week at the age of 62, after a years-long battle with stomach cancer. r story, His Glory.
Huckabee: Please pray for complete recovery for Cindy, who is fighting breast cancer. Comfort & healing for Beth's family who recently passed from brain cancer. We are rejoicing that she is with our Savior, but it is so hard for us here!
Janice: Please pray for my son, Tobin, who is in a very toxic relationship with his son's mother. Pray for his patience, perseverance and faith that God will help him and his son find a way out of this situation. Amen.
John: Pray for Eric. he has bone cancer.
Martha: Please pray for my father and our family, my mother recently passed away, we are still trying to accept this and my father needs the strength to be on his own again. We are close and have been living with him since end of January. The strain and sorrow are getting to be unbearable. I worry that things are not going to be ok and by encouraging my dad to be more independent, we might hurt him.
Diane: I was diagnosed with esophagus cancer 2020. Had chemo/radiation and surgery. Just had tests to see how I'm doing. Waiting on results. Going this alone, my husband died 4 months before my diagnosis. Loneliness, fear, hope the cancer is gone.
Ruth: Please pray for Sara, nineteen-year-old with continuing seizures they don't know why. She is a double lung transplant patient, and her immune system has basically become none functioning. She needs a miracle.
Jim: Please pray for Doug that somehow, he can find a way to help with his neuropathy in hands and feet. Thank You.
DJ: My brother-in-law, Matias, flew away to be with the Lord. Prayers for all the family members to give them comfort and peace. Amen.
Mark: Please pray for a friend Larry. He is going for full body scan to check to see if his cancer has spread. Please pray for good report. Thanks.
January 2024
Tony: Prayer request. I received the news, that my Dad has an aggressive lung cancer. I will be informing him of this today. Please pray the LORD will use these circumstances to bring him (Ray) to salvation. Thank you!
Drew: Our ministry released a publication on the topic of "Judge not lest you be judged." Please pray that this essay challenges readers to release the love and acceptance of Christ to a world filled with unbelievers.
Stephen: Please pray for "The Power of God's Whisper," a ministry outreach of dear friends, Matt & Michelle Adams. They are relentless in delivering the message of Jesus Christ to a depraved world.
Kimberly: I was just speaking with a friend today who very recently returned from Vietnam. He said the suicide rate there is astronomical. He also said poverty and hunger are very real.
Judy: Asking for prayers for all God's children. Wherever they may be, may they know God's love and protection. Amen and Amen.
IFA: We recently were given the news that the FBI is tracing those who purchase Bibles. Father, please show us how to advocate for the protection of our constitutional rights.
Presidential Prayer Team: Pray for Israel, and for wisdom for the justices of the Supreme Court as they hear arguments regarding the extent of the powers of federal agencies.
IOM: We receive over 500 emails per day from authors, teachers, and individuals who subscribe to our platform. This is our online ministry. Please pray for discernment as to the "who" we reach out to with our messages. Many are hostile toward Jesus, the Jews, and the Word of God.
URGENT REQUEST: I am asking for supportive prayers for two families. One of Jane's dear friends passed on to Jesus today via cancer. Please pray for her husband & family. The second is another close friend and co-worker of our ministry, who lost her daughter to suicide last night. The grief in these families must be unbearable. Will you join us in prayer? -Stephen & Jane Phinney
Donna: Please continue to pray for Aaron.
Rachel: Oh, Steve, I'm so sorry. I will be praying for Bonnie, the family, and all of you who knew him.
Kimberly: Thinking of others is a good antidote for our own holiday "hangovers" as well--genuine prayer for others leads to genuine gratitude for our own imperfect lives.
Judy: Asking for prayers for all God's children. Wherever they may be, may they know God's love and protection. Amen and Amen.
Dan C.: Praying for you all.
Stephen: Pray for Wendy. She is a faithful grandma on our Substack network who is struggling with being compassionate to online haters of God who insult her writings.
Stephen: Please pray for my friend, John Tesh, who is facing a possible relapse/bout with cancer.
Amir: Please pray for my family, friends, and ministry in Israel. The news does not cover the level of devastation our country is facing.
Stephen: I ask for prayer for Dan's family as they adjust to the passing of his life into the Lord's arms. Dan went to be with our Savior on December 20th. Read his wife's letter HERE.
Stephen: I have received a medical update from Dan's wife, Bonnie. You can read the medical and family updates HERE.
Laurie: Safely arrived back in Jerusalem.. and are presently on a 3 day field trip .. as far south as Eliat and the Gulf of Aquaba! With looking at her shared pictures and videos both of us could only imagine in awe .. that this was the very body of water God parted! Brittany is making plans with the help of her sister Jordan to travel to Peru soon. I pray this travel is the result of continued prayer for her by so many. God's purpose for her to unfold in such an adventure.. The strength of their sisterhood bond is evident and we are so grateful for that! I stand corrected with the first text I just sent .. worrier .. is meant to say warrior.. a moment in the fog! Thank you again for setting this family before our Lord! I have had the list of prayer requests from the IOM prayer chain close to my heart .. God Bless you, Jane and family as you prepare for the celebration of our Saviour's birth!!
Bobby: Please pray that God will strengthen me to be a vessel of light to the friends and family in my life day after day.
Valentine: David is out of jail short term, due to resisting arrest. He is afraid of withdrawal is one of the reasons he will not attend rehabilitation. It is 1 am in the morning jumping up and down because he is on drugs. Please pray for him.
Judy: Asking for prayer for my sister Janet who fell and broke her foot in several places. Will have to have surgery.
Nick: "I'm on my last draft of my next book. Would appreciate prayers."
Sharon: I get the blues in the winter and miss family around the holidays. Those are my biggest woes at the moment.
Ron: My wife's Mom (Margaret) is in the hospital... Two back surgeries scheduled back to back... but she stopped breathing after the first so the second has been rescheduled a month out... Mom has stabilized... but she is a difficult patient... angry and mean to the nurses, family, and friends... demanding... And no I'm not confident she's born again.
Donna: "Yes, please pray for Aaron. He's very heavy on our hearts."
Dan: My oncology visit on Monday resulted in a prognosis of weeks to possibly months left for me. I appreciate your fellowship with me. In this season!
Jess: To live each day moment by moment in His plan. To stop and listen and heed His voice.
Robert: I guess, especially for God's guidance on His purpose for me.
Missy: I would appreciate prayers for my ability to get my meds for anxiety and depression filled because I have been without for 2 days, and the enemy has been using this to try to attack me. I'm at Dr office now.
Rachel: Me with work to hit all my metrics, Holy Spirit to help me be business minded looking for things in supposed to, and to always protect the money transactions so I always balance on teller line.
Nancy: Pray that Fidelity Charitable sends you your check soon!
Alecia: Prayers for rest and balance would be great! I've been exhausted lately prepping for Christmas services and a few other things!
Ian: If anything, probably direction career-wise. A lot of options on the table right now.
Rick: physical healing or strength to accept it as His will.
JIM: Overdid it yesterday and I am trying to get myself going today. We have an associate pastor candidate coming this weekend. Huge decision for him and for us.
JANE: Pray I am spiritually alert. Because this affects everything.
MAGGIE: Just prayed for God to help me love my sister. I "do" love, but my heart is not in it.
JOSH: Depression.
TONYA: I am overwhelmed by busyness and need to sift through what is God's calling and what is not.
JUDY: Dealing with depression. Having a very hard time. Pain is one of the biggest thorns.
ART: Just a prayer of Thanksgiving! I'm doing very well here at home, and I am meeting today with the home health physical therapist and the nurse says that I'm way ahead of the curve!
MARK: I've been at the hospital for 7 days with my 91-year-old mom. She had a severe UTI but wasn't aware that she had it until she got here bc she has dementia.
TIFF: I am grieved deeply by the manner in which the weekly Christian Fellowship of Athletes is being conducted.
JD: Please pray for my daughter Taytem. She is struggling with school and finding her direction in life.
LAURIE: Julia flies out with her school on the 7th.noon Greece time. Landing in Tel Aviv, and back to their original school location in Jerusalem. Lord protects them as they travel. As well waiting to hear how God is working things out with Britt.
KEN: Some medical decisions my wife Donna needs to make.
IRMA: I have a very busy week with many responsibilities. Please pray for wisdom, a clear mind and physical strength.
ANGEL: Greg's work... Very long story, there's a lot going on right now that is causing the CEO a lot of stress, and this is making it harder for Greg.
JEFF: My son, Tyson needs a lot of prayer. Thank you.
JAMES: Strength for my vocal cords. This weekend is our Christmas gospel presentation, 3 this weekend plus dress rehearsal this afternoon. Pray for hearts to respond to the gospel.
KEN: Meet with two VA eye surgeons and go back on Jan 9th for final decision. Pray for discernment on to do it. It's number 22 and I'm high rush for going under again.
ETTA: Daily struggles with low energy and motivation... I think due to anxiety in response to unrelenting relational stress. Thanks for prayers.
VIC: You can pray for our wonderful church, Immanuel Lutheran Church in Seymour Indiana As we continue to grow.
MATT: Family friend passed day before yesterday, and a family member (her best friend) had a heart attack. PRAYER.
JOHN: the selling of my mom's home.
SUE: for a clear direction on how to be a light and testimony to those that live around me.
MARY: Finals week for students and faculty.
Prayer Team Member Testimony:
"It truly is a blessing to know the both of you, to be one Spirit in Christ.. to pray for you, receive your prayers and to be involved with such a treasure of a ministry.. especially in such the time of this.. Read through the Michaelangelo article.. many apologies for the grammar errors..may the message that was intended to be shared, be received as a blessing to those who read it!" - Laurie
"Thank you for such deep and heartfelt words in Britt’s memory on her obituary site. She was blessed to have spent time with you (Dr. Phinney), and I know all God’s Truth that was fed to her and all the prayers lifting her up saw in His timing her eyes to open and heart to unfold to Him. Thank you, Lord, for taking her by the hand and leading her home." -Laurie
Encouragements. Please post through our IM Truth prayer texting service. Text "encouragements" to (833) 249-9731.
On behalf of our community, I would like to express our deepest gratitude for your prayers. Your spiritual support for our members is a beacon of hope and strength. It is through these acts of faith and compassion that we are reminded of the power of unity and the INDWELLING Spirit. Thank you for keeping our members in your thoughts and prayers.
Your kindness is deeply appreciated.