IOM America significa "Instituto de Ministerio". Nuestro ministerio se centra en los aspectos prácticos de la identidad del creyente en Jesucristo.
"But now, LORD, You are our Father; We are the clay, and You our potter; And all of us are the work of Your hand."
(Isaiah 64:8)

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El Dr. Phinney es el Fundador y Director Ejecutivo de IOM America , el Identity Matters Worldview Institute y la IM Worldview Online School . Se especializa en temas culturales relacionados con la identidad del creyente en Cristo Jesús.

"Fui crucificado con Cristo, y ya no vivo yo, sino que Cristo vive en mí; y la vida que ahora vivo en la carne, la vivo por la fe en el Hijo de Dios, que me amó y se entregó a sí mismo. para mí."
(Gálatas 2:20)
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Introducing "The End Times Chronicles"—a captivating series packed with cultural and End Times articles and media that will keep you informed, engaged, and enlightened. Dive deep into the prophetic insights and explore the intersection of contemporary culture and biblical prophecy. Each edition of The End Times Chronicles offers thought-provoking articles, compelling narratives, and dynamic media content that brings the urgency and significance of the End Times to life.

Through the Veil Film
Through the Veil is a docudrama revealing Christ, who suffered and died to tear His flesh, and the Veil, makes way for each of His sheep to follow Him through that very Veil who is Christ..into the Holiest place of God, where The Life, Christ’s Life Eternal, is to be lived on earth as it is in heaven for all authentic believers.