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Your Peace

Writer's picture: Jane M. PhinneyJane M. Phinney

Updated: Sep 8, 2021

November 23, 2020 |

The holidays are almost here again. How can it be? As I reflect on the events of 2020, it seems like we are nearing the end of these 365 days in a blink. At the same time, the waiting & the wondering involved in the past 11 months continues to drag on, keeping my soul living on edge. I smile when I remember how it used to bother me that Thanksgiving appeared to be overlooked when Christmas items popped up in stores as early as October. Then, years later, the ornaments I bought to paint with our grandkids were available in July. But I can no longer point the finger since we too have succumbed to early decorating. Our limited Fall/Thanksgiving décor went up in September, so we could enjoy it thoroughly without mixing holiday sentiments. For those who know me, you might be surprised to learn that we completed our traditional Christmas decorating the weekend before Thanksgiving. Although totally out of our norm, it seemed like an encouraging idea, given the upheavals in 2020.

This year has repeatedly confirmed that I am not in charge. In most situations, my hands are tied & I know that I need to wait. (Decorating excluded. 😉) I agree with this in my head, but my emotions often fight to achieve the results that I think are best…my answers to the presenting problem. I also know in my heart that nothing matters in life as much as people. You & I likely agree on this. But practically, we don’t find this easily, or naturally, lived out because real relationships take real time &, we already are stretched. As a result, people often get shoved to the back burner while we pay attention to the task in front of us.

I’ve watched people grow increasingly detached even though we possess umpteen technology resources to connect. Given a choice, I would choose face-to-face. Because the eyes don’t lie. But that isn’t always possible so I’m thankful for the substitutes, however limited in scope & effectiveness. I do appreciate the convenience of communicating quick facts/needed info on my smart phone. But I miss…I long for… the feeling of the “old” days, when people gave time to each other. Sitting (as opposed to standing) & talking was considered valuable, healthy, normal & even necessary. You did not feel guilty for investing your time, one-on-one. Sadly, I personally don’t know many sitters anymore.

God still “sits” because He loves me. This is my #1 in giving thanks this year. His line is never busy & our personal connection is made possible/paid for by the Lord Jesus Christ. Unlike the most caring human being, my Father doesn’t need to sleep so I’m covered 24/7. He is always available & in pursuit of my heart. He has a specific purpose for my life. He has a plan to work out that purpose. And He has the power to make it happen. He is faithful, reliable, on time, forgiving, merciful, & longsuffering. And His goal through my life is to give away the blessings that He has given me.

One August day in church, we sang an old song by Don Moen entitled Deeper in Love. I was moved to tears as the words washed over my parched soul. I was physically tired & emotionally needy. Thank you, God for seeing me! Later at my desk, I penned this poem, “Your Peace.” May it be true for you also.

Your Peace

Take me deeper, Lord

Only You know my heart

From conception in my mother’s womb

You knew me from the start

Take me deeper, Lord

Open my mind to embrace

Your unconditional love revealed

Completed face to face

Take me deeper, Lord

Into the freedom of Your peace

Earthly cares and worries gone

In Your presence I’m released

Take me deeper, Lord

Before You fully known

In wordless quiet I wait

Humbled before Your throne

Sufficient in my weakness

My boast is for your glory

Your perfected strength empowers me

Christ shared in my life story

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