The Man & The Legend
Nehemiah, The Man & The Legend
Our study, Nehemiah, The Man & The Legend, sets out to present realistic observations of our present culture while evaluating how each applies to the eschatological truths contained in the Old and New Testaments. In the book of Nehemiah, the man who led god’s people is presented in three roles. Early in the book, he is the king's cupbearer, a servant. Midway through the story, he is a builder of the wall, and in the third part of the book, he is the governor of the city and surrounding sections of Jerusalem. He was an authentic leader of God. The Man & The Legend is framed with the emphasis on using one hand to rebuild while keeping the Sword of the Spirit in the other hand. We are praying that this miniseries blesses you beyond measure.
Chapter One | Back Story
We live in troubling times—political, cultural, and Church fighting at every turn. We live in a society that is simply upside wrong; where what once was wrong is right... HERE
Chapter Three | Leadership
Many have leaders who they call “great.” Maybe it’s a pastor, politician, famous ministry developer, life coach, or maybe it’s someone they know personally like a...HERE
Chapter Five | Rebuilds
Before we move on, let’s contemplate just a little bit on this passage. First, God cares so much about our lives that He inscribes our names on the palms of His hands...HERE
Chapter Two | The Journey
The name of Nehemiah means Jehovah comforts, which means God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are Comforters. Nehemiah was known...HERE
Chapter Four | Evaluates
One of the primary issues that Nehemiah had to deal with was the staggering wealth inequality. The widespread poverty in the land had forced many to borrow large...HERE
Chapter Six | Knees Up
As soon as Nehemiah began the work of rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem, the enemy attacked. Sanballat was not only a thorn in Jerusalem’s flesh but that...HERE
Nehemiah Series
Nehemiah Series

#IM Media | #Nehemiah | The Back Story

#IM Media | #Eschatology | Nehemiah, "The Journey Begins"

#IM Media | #Nehemiah | Nehemiah's Leadership