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Most of Dr. Phinney's Prophecy Articles Will Now be Posted At:

Writer's pictureDr. Stephen Phinney

FREE Gift Subscription.

A God-sized offer to our IM Author Blog friends. You might want to “jump” on this offer. I can’t offer it free for much longer.

I believe our new pay-per-view addition, “The IM Writer’s Forum,” plus the up-and-coming “IM Discipleship Platform,” is valuable enough to justify a boost to start-ups through this offer. Don’t miss out! Claim the offer before September 6, 2023. I consider having you join us in these new adventures an honor. -Dr. Stephen Phinney


Eschatology is a part of critical theology concerned with the final events of past, present & future events foretold in the Old & New Testament prophecies - particularly in the book of Revelation. It depicts the ultimate destiny of humanity while revealing the fulfilled prophetic events of Jesus Christ. The End Times Chronicles releases articles, podcasts, and media unfolding Biblical prophecies. This service will remain free to all subscribers.


The IM Writer's Forum is a pay-per-view forum hosting articles, podcasts, broadcasts, and media from authors and teachers, hand-selected, by myself & our team. However, today, you can have access for FREE. All content will be based on a Biblical worldview that advances the Life of Christ. It will be a safe place for subscribers who want a well-balanced Christ-as-Life view.


People have been tugging at my shirtsleeve for some time - requesting me to post discipleship tools that can assist believers in ministering to others. Well, I have strategically thought this through. Thus, the idea of the IM Discipleship Platform came alive.

I have decided to place this venue under our pay-per-view outreach due to the cost factor of making thousands of discipleship tools available to subscribers. Again, today, for you, it is without cost. I was told by a fellow discipleship collaborator that this venue might be one of the only Christ-as-Life resources on the net to provide needed opportunities for the church - without cost.

We are in the process of designing an entire website around this idea. The Substack subscription-based portal will be the gateway to thousands of articles, podcasts, broadcasts, Bible studies, and much more - mostly without charge.

You might want to “jump” on this offer. I can’t offer it free for much longer. Click on the button below and secure your one-year free subscription. We will start these two venues on September 6, 2023 - so act now.

Some have wondered why we are adding a paid subscription to our Substack services. It's easy, to keep our ministry financially fluid as well as to reach an audience who believe in the value of a magazine-type service. It is the standard most readers on Substack adhere to. Plus, those who sign up before September 6th will receive four downloadable books - free of charge.

The End Times Chronicles is the host to these venues of service. Subscribe today for free or join the paid subscription for the full benefits & experience coming your way.

Become a subscriber to the End Times Chronicles HERE.

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#IM Media | #Victory | The Believer's Victory in Christ

#IM Media | #Victory | The Believer's Victory in Christ

Hit the "Like" button. Leave a comment. IM Media/Lion of Judah Films produces quality Christ, Culture & Creator videos. Our VICTORY series reveals the radiant light of our victorious Savior, we stand firm, celebrating the glorious victory we have in Christ. Through His divine love and infinite grace, we are more than conquerors, for He has overcome the world. Our triumph is not of this world, but it is a spiritual victory that transcends earthly bounds. In Christ, we find strength, hope, and the assurance of a victory that is eternal. This victory is not just for today, but for all eternity, a testament to the power of His resurrection and the promise of our redemption. Check out the series at The Seven Series Website: Ministry website: View the IMTV Library: Read IM Author Blogs: Contact Dr. Phinney directly: Substack Channel: "The End Times Chronicles." Dr. Phinney is the Founder of IOM America, Identity Matters Worldview Institute, and the IM Online School. He is the author of several books that focus on Christ, Culture, & Creator - all centered on the believer's identity in Christ. IOM America publishes online articles & media through multiple venues. Dr. Phinney holds degrees in Psychology, Counseling Psychology & International Cross-culture Leadership (DMin). Published Books:
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