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Writer's pictureRandy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn | Medical Update

Randy Alcorn

Last Thursday, after six days of increasingly poor health, Nanci was admitted to the hospital Emergency Room. She has since come home from the hospital, and a hospital bed has been moved into our room with a recliner next to it for me or others.

Things have radically changed since Thursday. Nanci has been in an altered state mentally. We don’t know if that’s temporary or permanent.

My daughters Karina and Angela and I were up most of Sunday night with her. (No surprise, the girls are a wonderful care team, just amazing.) Part of it was very precious and beautiful, as Nanci was raising her hands up to the Lord, singing and sweetly asking Him to take her to be with him. Part of it was tough. She is struggling to find the right words and wants to get out of bed, but we can’t let her because she is so physically unstable.

We met with the hospice director Monday morning and then a hospice social worker. Nanci is officially now in hospice care, so that means her death is expected within six months. It could be a lot less than that or it could be more, of course no one knows.

Nanci and I have had end-of-present-life conversations going back years and again in recent months. She is ready to meet Jesus. After what I have seen in the last several days—which has been so hard on her—I feel ready to let her go, even though in another sense of course I can’t be ready. Thanks for your prayers.

Lamentations 3:19-26 is on my heart:

I remember my affliction and my wandering, the bitterness and the gall.
I well remember them, and my soul is downcast within me. Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope:
Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
I say to myself, “The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for him.”
The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him; it is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord.


For more updates, see Nanci’s Caring Bridge site.

Randy & Nanci, Jane and I offer our prayers of comfort as Jesus prepares both of you, and your family, for this transition. The two of you have been an eternal example to the Body of Christ. Nancy, you have fought the good fight. Your legacy will multiply through the lives of those who love you. Randy, please know that you have a brother at your side interceding for you and your family. Jesus will use this challenge to advance His Life and ministry.
-Steve & Jane Phinney

IMNews | IOM America | P.O. Box 71, Sterling, KS 67579

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#IM Media | #Victory | The Believer's Victory in Christ

Hit the "Like" button. Leave a comment. IM Media/Lion of Judah Films produces quality Christ, Culture & Creator videos. Our VICTORY series reveals the radiant light of our victorious Savior, we stand firm, celebrating the glorious victory we have in Christ. Through His divine love and infinite grace, we are more than conquerors, for He has overcome the world. Our triumph is not of this world, but it is a spiritual victory that transcends earthly bounds. In Christ, we find strength, hope, and the assurance of a victory that is eternal. This victory is not just for today, but for all eternity, a testament to the power of His resurrection and the promise of our redemption. Check out the series at The Seven Series Website: Ministry website: View the IMTV Library: Read IM Author Blogs: Contact Dr. Phinney directly: Substack Channel: "The End Times Chronicles." Dr. Phinney is the Founder of IOM America, Identity Matters Worldview Institute, and the IM Online School. He is the author of several books that focus on Christ, Culture, & Creator - all centered on the believer's identity in Christ. IOM America publishes online articles & media through multiple venues. Dr. Phinney holds degrees in Psychology, Counseling Psychology & International Cross-culture Leadership (DMin). Published Books:
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