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United States in Prophecy

Dr. Stephen Phinney

Christ | Culture | Creator

All Countries Are In Biblical Prophecies


Most Bible prophecy teachers hesitate to mention the United States is in our Lord's prophecies. I don’t. This misnomer exists because the title, "United States" or "America," is not rooted in Greek or Hebrew. Thus, they dismiss it as a documented nation or territory in the Bible.


Many teachers tend to forget that when God says "all nations," He means all nations. All existing nations can be traced back to an organic nation noted in Old Testament prophecies. Not even the smallest or insignificant nation on earth escapes the history of God's prophecies.

Just because nations camouflage the roots of their forefathers by giving themselves a new name doesn't mean their history is irrelevant. Today, most nations are rebel spin-offs of a larger nation once noted by God through Nebuchadnezzar's dream, deduced from Babylon, the Medo-Persian Empire, Greece, and Rome. The fifth empire stated in his dream was the Divided Nations of Western Europe – the final empire of the Antichrist. The Western European empire consists of a mixture of the top four systems of government recognized in Nebuchadnezzar's statue – monarchy (Lion), dictatorship (Bear), democracy (Leopard), and dictatorship democracy (Dragon). Also, according to the statue, there are ten toes – the Ten Kings stated in Revelation's book, chapter seventeen.


Allow me to give you modern-day examples of the systems of governance prophesied through Nebuchadnezzar's dream.

  • Babylon = (Monarchy/Lion) Great Britain | Ruled by a monarchy system.

  • Medo-Persian = (Dictatorship/Bear) Russia | Ruled by a single leader.

  • Democracy = (Democracy/Leopard) Germany | Ruled by the people.

  • Dictatorship Democracy = (Dragon) Canada/England | Ruled by a mixture of monarchy, dictatorship & democracy.

  • Divided Nations of Western Europe = The United States | Ruled by a single elected leader by the people, kept in check by branches of government who are monitored and regulated by a national or organizational constitution.

  • Ten Toes = Ten Kings | The top ten nations that will rise to destroy Israel.

All countries that function by a monarchy require the people to be ruled by a king or queen. The branches of government are in place to advance the agenda of the monarch. Most monarchies are assisted by the religious leader they serve, usually the Roman Papal system. These monarchy systems fall under the statute's revelation of the Babylonian Empire.

Countries ruled by a dictatorship either oppress the people or inspire their citizens in a few cases. These leaders rise to power through wars by creating fear in their citizens. Often these fears result in fierce loyalty to their leader. A classic case of this is North Korea & Russia. This group is related to the Medo-Persian Empire.

All nations ruled from the bottom up (democracies) fall under the category of Greece in Nebuchadnezzar's dream. It was started by Alexander the Great, who ruled through female goddesses. Feminism classically dominates these countries. The leaders usually work to gain their votes by pleasing or presenting an image that citizens' opinions matter, which is not classically true.

The dominance of the Divided Nations of Western Europe is the most confusing form of leadership represented in the statute. These countries blend the governance modalities of the other four empires and strategically integrate each into a type of governance that rules nations versus people. The organized management model is based on ruling nations, leaving the citizens to be managed by the individual nations. Nations that are a part of the EU front their agendas with world peace. However, their motive of operations on a corporate level is normally dictatorship. The nations that are members of this empire must accommodate the universal objectives over the nation’s local objectives. This results in the leaders changing the opinions of their national citizens to support the EU’s global governing beliefs and systematic goals.


According to the 83rd chapter of Psalms, the list is offered, one of the most important passages in understanding the ten toes/kings (Rev. 17:12).

1. Edom =southern Jordan

2. Ishmaelites=Arabs

3. Moab=central Jordan

4. Hagarenes=Egypt

5. Gebal=Lebanon

6. Ammon=northern Jordan

7. Amalek=Sinai Peninsula

8. Philistines=Gaza Strip

9. Tyre=Lebanon

10. Assur=Siria, Iraq

Since the final battle will be between the descendants of Ishmael and Isaac, a special note is that all ten countries are deeply embedded in Islamic beliefs. Meaning the final threat against Israel will be from the illegitimate son of Abraham – Ishmael (v.6).

Furthermore, some theologians believe the Antichrist will appoint the leaders of these ten Islamic countries as kings over the seven continents. I support this possibility. Since Satan will present himself as a Jewish super-leader, this is more than a probability. There are good odds that the Islamic “Isa” (Jesus) will be from the authentic bloodline of Abraham by way of Ishmael. These ten toes also support the multiple passages stating Israel will be surrounded by hostile countries. Lastly, when the prophecies talk about the northern Bear (Russia) partners with the Ishmaelites to conquer global control, it would align with this probability perfectly.

The United States Is In The Prophecies

The Constitution was birthed through conflict and diverse opinions, as we know from American history. Since the United States was established as “We the People,” the US Constitution was based on the people ruling from the bottom up. However, that never works. Our founders knew this method of governance was challenging to say the least. Since effective governance is based on power from individual leaders, they quickly shifted the formation of the Constitution to be written by power-players, NOT the “We the People.” Since those early days, our nation has been ruled by offering the citizens the view that “they rule” while fully knowing the politicians at the top do the ruling. Most politicians know that the people are incapable of managing a country, let alone their private lives. As our history reveals, the politicians promoted public protests to give the people the “feeling” their opinions matter. Meanwhile, the politicians used these opinions to sway their rhetoric in their campaigns – fully knowing they would enter their elected office advancing their agenda. Not only did this modality form the reputation of many politicians are liars, but this is the same modality & objective of the Divided Nations of Western Europe.

We have used the misnomer of being a Christian Nation for many years. Nations cannot become indwelt Christians; only individuals within nations can be born-again in Christ. We got this reputation due to our “freedom of religion act.” The problem with this thinking is all religions have the “right” to flourish within our nation while ignoring that most religions have military forces backing their religion. When you set the system of ruling from the bottom up, the country devolves into the religion of dominance that overpowers the country’s organic agenda. It became a competition of sorts in due time, causing the most dominant militant religion to advance and rise above the religion of our founding fathers. In the end, since Christianity has no militant force, we lost the battle.

Now the stage is set for the United States to morph into Socialism, which is the baseline belief of the European Union. The EU can't accomplish its goals for the United States if the people support strong leadership who knows the core beliefs of the Divided Nations. Each of the nations represented in the Union MUST be weak and willing to support global governance. Since the Divided Nations of Western Europe is clearly stated in Biblical prophecies, it is congruent that the United States is a significant part of the prophetic warnings of the final empire exposed in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream. Presently, the United States is the most powerful nation globally that serves the EU. The US is not only a part of this prophecy; we are the leaders within it, which puts the United States at the front & center of this prophecy.

Few question the United States' erosion within the last few years. In our news every day, we see a fast-fade into socialism, wars, and rumors of wars. The people as a whole of our great nation are not so great – not anymore. Now being the leaders in the “woke” generation, we have become what the apostle Paul states as the warning signs of the End Times - lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, unloving, irreconcilable, malicious gossips, without self-control, brutal, haters of good, treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, holding to a form of godliness… (2 Timothy 3:1-5) Folks, not so many years ago our nation was known for honoring God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Word. Today, not so much. Our fast-fade has revealed that the United States might be the leaders and instigators of the demise Paul is addressing. Since the US is the country that most countries model themselves after, our role in the End Times prophecies might be the “iron hand” that Revelation’s book speaks. Time will tell.

If you are a faithful patriot in this great country, as I am, these probable projections will be next to impossible to accept. However, it does not change the reality of our times. It is easier to believe that the United States could not be one of the leading countries to propagate such horrific End Times events, but look at how far we deteriorated in one year.

People change. Countries change. The world is quickly changing into a global community that will beg for a one-world leader to step up to save the world. Guess what? He is ready and waiting for the whole of the world to be fed up with wars and rumors of wars, and when that happens, the seven-year reign of the Antichrist will be ignited, fully supported by the United States of America.


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