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Nehemiah | The Man & The Legend

Writer's picture: Dr. Stephen PhinneyDr. Stephen Phinney

Jesus is coaching you up, encouraging you to deal with conflict head-on, guiding you to make necessary and proper adjustments, and strengthening you to keep doing what is right in Christ.


A Word from O.S. Hawkins:

Anyone, anywhere, who becomes serious about rebuilding can expect to meet with opposition...

There are times when it comes from without. Some Sanballat or Tobiah will rise up against us as they did against Nehemiah. There are other times when the opposition may well up from within our own ranks. Like Nehemiah, we may find that some of our fiercest opposition may actually come from someone who has been on our team. . . . It’s how we deal with the opposition—opposition that will surely come—that will largely determine the success or failure of our own rebuilding projects.

Nehemiah followed four key principles that enabled him to keep moving forward, complete the job, and reach the goal God had set before him:

First, Nehemiah shows us how important it is to deal with conflict head-on. He didn’t ignore it and hoped it would just go away. Neither can we turn a blind eye to opposition. Nor can we turn around, run the other way, and expect to see the goal of rebuilding accomplished. We must deal with opposition head-on.

Second, Nehemiah made some proper adjustments. There was still a considerable amount of rubbish on and around the broken wall that needed to be removed and hauled away. Any attempt to rebuild the wall on a foundation as shabby as rubbish would only mean the wall would one day crumble again. From time to time, in our own rebuilding experience, it is necessary for us to call a timeout and make some adjustments to our game plan.

Third, Nehemiah was an overcomer. Once he had dealt with his opposition head-on and made proper adjustments to his plan, he overcame obstacles by continuing to do the right thing. He watched, and he worked. With a trowel in one hand and a sword in the other, he continued rebuilding, always keeping a keen eye out for any opposition. He never let the opposition deter him from his task ahead. He kept doing what was right.

Finally, Nehemiah rallied his troops. He knew how important his team’s morale was in the rebuilding process. He not only got started with his goal in mind, but now, well into the journey, he continues to work to keep his team focused on that goal.

Remember, your coach is Christ Himself. He is coaching you up, encouraging you to deal with conflict head-on, guiding you to make some necessary and proper adjustments, and strengthening you to keep on doing what is right. He is rallying the troops around you, and you and I are on His team.


I was given a book to study, “Hand Me Another Brick, " by Charles Swindoll, many years ago. This book impacted me to the degree it infected and affected my life in ministry and family life. I learned how to overcome discouragement, relate to authority figures, get over ministerial jealousy, handle money wisely, practice the Godly methods of thinking, listen to the indwelling Life of Christ, and, most importantly, own up to my part in daily conflicts.

The book ignited a passion for knowing the man and the legend of Nehemiah. Oddly, Nehemiah became my all-time mentor. His devotion to hearing God, obeying Him, and carrying out the Lord’s orders became an obsession for me. To this day, I am compelled to hear the voice of the Lord in real-time experiences.

I have spent most of my adult years studying the life of Nehemiah. I have laughed, wept, and rejoiced over his life.

Our church society is in complete opposition to the principles Nehemiah lived by. Today, we need wise, Godly leaders like Nehemiah to stand in the gap of a depraved culture. The God-sized news? It’s possible. In this book, I will walk you through the life lessons I gained by studying this man’s life. I hope you learn the powerful leadership principles lived out by Nehemiah and his counterparts.

My mission is to lead you through God’s leadership principles, following and rebuilding found in Nehemiah. You should learn to be motivated in the Spirit, overcome discouragement, and face failure and opposition while learning to apply wisdom and insight in all your realms of life and leadership. Allow this timeless teaching to help you rise to the challenge of becoming a dynamic, righteous leader and follower in Christ.

The name Nehemiah means Yahweh has comforted. Before we even begin revealing the principles in the book of Nehemiah, know from the beginning that God is a God of comfort. God offered Nehemiah hope, power, insight, and much more. My main objective is to have this book lead each reader on how to overcome troubles and rebuild and trust in God while showing the reader the importance of living a dependent life in prayer and faithfulness.

The book of Nehemiah opens with reports of the horrid conditions of the wall surrounding Jerusalem, God’s most Holy city, which lay in desolation. The people are scattered and bewildered. We learn that Nehemiah is far from Jerusalem at the time. He was a slave for a foreign king in Persia in 444 BC. He prays fervently and continually after hearing the report of his hometown family and friends being dejected. At the time, he was not a spiritual leader or prophet. His fasting and praying trigger compelling thoughts and a desire to take action. With approval from his king, he moves to Jerusalem to rebuild what the enemy has torn down. The king appoints him as the governor of Jerusalem and supervises the repairs. Through restoring the wall, the lives of the Jews, and dedicating his work unto the Lord, we glean many lessons from Nehemiah on prayer, leadership, overcoming enemies, restoring hearts, integrity, and Holiness.

Grab a brick, your sword, and a good cup of coffee, order the book, and join me as we walk through the streets of old Jerusalem, discovering a man who remained faithful until the end.

Stephen Phinney

Nehemiah was a builder, a leader, and a warm and thoroughly human figure, and God wants you to be that, too. Nehemiah strides across the Biblical landscape, influencing others to such a degree that they were able to accomplish a remarkable feat…the rebuilding of the wall of Jerusalem…against incredible odds. God wants to build into your life the same qualities Nehemiah had. - Charles Swindoll

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