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IMNews | Largest Satanic Gathering

IOM America International News

Christ | Culture | Creator

It is not an understatement to call this a battle of good and evil. It literally is. And on Friday, February 11, satanists from across the world will converge on Scottsdale, Arizona and for three days conduct rituals, services, celebrations, and more debauched and evil events. Itā€™s SatanCon from February 11-13. The satanists chose to locate their conference in Scottsdale as a push back against the city for declining their request to deliver a satanic invocation before the Scottsdale City Council meeting.

The organizers of the satanic conference say that they want people to think of Satan when they think of Scottsdale. This gathering of satanic followers is more than just payback to Scottsdale. The Satanic church, with apparently over half a million members, is involved in civic activities such as pro-abortion lobbyingā€”especially pushing back on the new pro-life legislation and sanctuary cities for the unborn in nearby Texas. The Satanic Temple After School Clubs meet in elementary and secondary schools across the nation. A new Satanic streaming service being introduced will increase the reach of their beliefs, rituals, and activities...


History On China

The Peopleā€™s Republic of China continues to receive global criticism as the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing kicked off Friday despite concerns about the communist regime's human rights record.

The U.S. and other governments have announced diplomatic boycotts, vowing not to send any diplomatic or official representation to the 2022 Winter Olympics in protest of the regime's ā€œgenocide and crimes against humanity."

Additionally, religious freedom advocacy groups like Open Doors USA have urged people to boycott watching the Olympics due to the communist regime's ongoing persecution of Christians and other religious groups, such as Uyghur Muslims, Tibetan Buddhists and Falun Gong practitioners...


'Times of Fire'

IM Series

The 7 Churches of Revelation: Times of Fire ā€“ An investigative filmmaker and global scholars examine the mysterious letters to the seven Churches of Revelation, the roots of persecution in the 1st Century Church, and the connections to our modern-day lives.


The Chosen

Enjoy our partnership with "The Chosen" series. Below is the trailer link. Our showings will begin Saturday, February 19, 2022. We will release an episode each Saturday night at 7 pm Central Standard Time.


The Need for Discipleship

Christians in the United States need to be more engaged in discipleship through individual relationships with others to help grow churches, according to minister and author Lee Grady.

Grady, a missionary who presently serves as director of The Mordecai Project, a ministry dedicated to empowering women worldwide, makes this argument in his latest book, Follow Me: Make Disciples the way Jesus Did.

Grady draws from his own experiences being a mentor to disciples and offers guidance on how to engage in discipleship with new believers, young and old.


Time to Pray

Our objective is to awaken the Bride of Christ. We encourage you to dedicate special times of prayer for the purpose of praying for people who think they are born-again but are not. That each would check their flasks to make sure they indeed have the indwelling Life of Christ. Without question, the day Christ will gather His Bride is approaching.


Unholy Alliance

This new ā€œaxis of totalitarianismā€ is the greatest threat to human freedom and dignity to arise since the end of the Cold War symbolized by the collapse of the Soviet Union in December 1991.


The Video | "Who Am I? | Funk Style


Thank you for reading our IMNews release. Occasionally we plan to release news that infects or affects the Church today. Please consider advancing the message in our "Who Am I?" youth version video to your networks. Thank you.

Forward these blogs to your sphere of influence. The Rapture is soon upon us.

President & Founder

Dr. Stephen Phinney

Authentic Salvation Prayer | HERE

IOM America | Identity Matters Worldview Institute


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